
12 Days of XXXMas: A Christmas Role-Playing Game for Couples

Created by Phoenix Grey

12 Xmas-themed adventures, requiring intimate actions to move the story along. 5e compatible version available. For the PDFs or paperback editions of any of our already published non-5e content, please order off DriveThruRPG here:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Update and Hardback Codes
19 days ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 10:59:34 AM

Everyone who has filled out their backer survey and whose credit card has been charged for shipping should have their order shipped out by the end of today. Our shipping partner should send out an email when your order ships.

For those who still haven't paid for shipping, we are allowing backers to update their cards until September 23rd. After that date, all inventory will be shipped back to us, and we will no longer be able to fulfill your order.

For those whose order included either the Limited Edition Box Set or a Hardback copy of 12 Days of XXXMas, you should have received an email containing a DriveThruRPG code. This code allows you to purchase unlimited copies of the book with all included illustrations at our at-cost pricing. These codes will be valid for one year, after which we will remove the hardback version of the book from sale on DriveThruRPG.

If you should have received this code but did not, please drop a comment below or message me on Kickstarter. This email was sent from my personal account and bounced for anyone who had previously unsubscribed.

That's all for now. Once September 23rd rolls around, we will post one final update closing out this Kickstarter. Thank you again for your patience and understanding, and I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Charging Cards, Missing Dice, and Unexpected Shipping Prices
about 1 month ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 11:55:44 AM

I wish this update had more good news than bad, but I am afraid that is not the case. So let’s start with the good news.

The good news: We will begin charging cards for late pledges, add-ons, and shipping later today and will begin shipping on August 26th.

The bad news: The box containing all the add-on Lewd Dungeon Adventures dice got lost in transit somewhere between landing in the US and making it to the warehouse. The quantity of dice was too small to remanufacture, so I removed them from backer carts and issued refunds for them. For those with other physical items in your order, this refunded amount has been applied toward your shipping. For those who only had the dice as a physical item, you have received a refund.  

The other bad news: The weight of the box set was a lot more than we expected, which raised shipping costs. For people in the US, there is only a difference of a few dollars. For people everywhere else, the cost increase is significantly higher than our original estimate for shipping. In some cases, over double the estimated amount.  

I have painstakingly gone through all international orders individually and adjusted the shipping the best I can. If I was able to reduce your shipping rate, you will see a note that says ‘$X.XX Complimentary Credit added for shipping’ when you go to pay. Because orders are locked, the items in your order can only be modified by me manually. If the shipping cost is more than you want to pay, message me, and we can see if modifying your order by removing items (if applicable) can reduce your shipping rate.  

I will be in the office until around 7:30 PM CST today (08/16) and for a few hours tomorrow to answer any inquiries. After that, I will not be back in the office until Tuesday, August 20th. I want to thank everyone for your patience and understanding. 

We are locking addresses + Your monthly update
about 2 months ago – Thu, Aug 01, 2024 at 08:35:11 AM

If your order includes any physical items, you should have received an email that we are locking addresses. You will have 48 hours to update your address in Backerkit, after which you will have to send me a message here to have it updated manually.

With that said, the miniatures, dice trays, and mugs are now sitting at the warehouse. The larger shipment of the box sets, hardback books, dice, and card decks is in the US but currently delayed due to some problem with the good old railroad. lol This has nothing to do with anything we did, and I don't know the specifics, but I suspect it won't take long to get everything rolling again.

The only other thing we're waiting on is the stickers, both the 3-piece sticker set and the big sticker sheets that you will paste into the hardback books. Part of the order has been shipped and will be arriving at the warehouse today. The rest is still printing. 

My hope is that everything will arrive at the warehouse by the end of next week so that we can start figuring out shipping weights and prepare to charge for shipping. That will be the final step before I can get all these goodies out to you. As of right now, we are still on track to ship by the end of the month. As usual, you will continue to receive updates at every pivotal step.

Also, if you didn't know, we just launched our card game on Backerkit Crowdfunding here: 

I know some of you guys are disappointed that we didn't bring it to Kickstarter. Just know that the deck will eventually be available for purchase on DriveThruRPG. Everything else with this particular crowdfunding campaign (the dice, glass, and health trackers) will not be, so if you want those, hop on over and pledge now.

And fear not, we will be launching our next campaign book here on Kickstarter. We currently have two really big projects in the works. Not as big as 12 Days of XXXMas was, but big enough to have a limited hardback edition.

I hope you guys have a great month!

We are locking addresses on August 1st
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 03:00:26 PM

Everything is finally on the way to the warehouse, and that means we'll be shipping very soon. With that said, we will be locking addresses on Backerkit on August 1st. That means if you've recently had an address change, it's time to submit it. If you can't figure out how to get into your Backerkit account, drop a comment below, and I will re-send your backer survey to you. 

The current plan is to charge cards on or around August 8th. This will charge your card for shipping and anything you added on after our Kickstarter campaign was completed. About a week after that, we will begin shipping.

As always, I will continue to post updates along the way. 

Thanks again for backing this project!

Monthly Update - Game in Freight
3 months ago – Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 02:06:58 PM

Hey, everyone. If everything is going as planned, close to 3,000 pounds worth of game components, including all box sets, should have gotten on a boat in China today to make their way to the United States. Since this is our first time having to freight an order from another country, I did not realize how slow sea travel would be. The game is not expected to land in the US until early August, where it will then have to make its way to our warehouse in Chicago. Needless to say, this has pushed back our ship date until mid to late August. While we wait for everything to get there, here are some pictures of the miniatures being manufactured by Limelight Miniatures.


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