
12 Days of XXXMas: A Christmas Role-Playing Game for Couples

Created by Phoenix Grey

12 Xmas-themed adventures, requiring intimate actions to move the story along. 5e compatible version available. For the PDFs or paperback editions of any of our already published non-5e content, please order off DriveThruRPG here:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Ice Monsters Miniatures Unlocked
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 10:43:45 PM

Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know that Stretch Goal #5 has been unlocked, which means that our Ice Monsters Miniatures Set will be getting a print run and is now available as an add-on item for $30. This set will feature 5 40mm miniatures, including our ice creature, icy heart, ice vibrator, ice salamander, and ice golem. All the monsters have been illustrated except for the ice salamander, which is currently in the works. 

We're so close to the end of our Kickstarter campaign. I want to take the time to thank everyone who has made this happen. You guys are the best!


Recommended Kickstarter - DnD PotionCraft

DnD PotionCraft is your all-inclusive grimoire, filled with unique ingredients, ancient recipes, and the alchemical lore of DnD.

In this unique module, available in PDF or Printed edition, you will be able to create a minimum of 36750 different potions!

Back it here:

Ice Creatures STL Set Unlocked for all Backers!
11 months ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 10:20:49 AM

We did it! We unlocked stretch goal #4. Now, everyone who has pledged to any tier of 12 Days of XXXMas will get an STL set of 5 of our ice creatures, including the elusive ice vibrator...which is pretty much just a dildo made of ice. LOL

I know I don't have a lot of images of the printed STLs to show you guys what they'll look like, but rest assured, the modeling is in great hands. All of our STLs and miniatures are being produced by Limelight Miniatures, who is currently running their own Kickstarter. To give you an idea of the quality, here are some images from their current Kickstarter.

Look at these beautiful, highly detailed dioramic Deities currently available on their Kickstarter page. 

For their Kickstarter, they are offering 8+ Deities with STL (3d model) and physical figures options and FREE DnD 5e Character stat sheets!

One-Shot adventures available via the stretch goals too :)

If you're into miniatures and would like to show them some love, you can back their Kickstarter here:


Recommended Kickstarter - The Book of Monsters

The Book of Monsters anthology series is back with even more stories steeped in Asian and Japanese mythology. The first in the series, The Bai Ze and Book of Monsters is a 44-page combined comic and anthology which introduced the Book of Monsters to the world of Luminous Ages.

Volume 2: The Hakutaku
Will introduce the Hakutaku, the Bai Ze's Japanese equivalent and will focus on Asian monsters. This book has three stories from Japan two from China, one from the Philippines and one from Sri Lanka. This book is MA 15+.

Volume 3: 9 Sexy Tails of the Kitsune

It will focus on the famous Kitsune's of Japan , Fox Witches and with some appearances of their relatives, the Yumiko and Huli Jing. It will have sexy and horrific stories of the many different evil kitsunes from Japan and Korea.

Back it here:

Earn Money Promoting 12 Days of XXXMas
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 04:41:15 PM

The campaign is about halfway over, and to combat the typical Kickstarter mid-campaign slump, we've decided to partner with Kickbooster to allow backers to earn cash by helping to promote 12 Days of XXXMas. For the remainder of the campaign, we will be offering a 15% commission on all converting referrals through a Kickbooster affiliate link. This means if you refer someone and they pledge to the Limited Edition Box Set tier, which is $100, you'll earn $15. This is just an example. Maths accordingly for the other tiers. All you have to do is sign up for the program and drop your affiliate link wherever you can: Facebook, Twitter, snail mail it to all your friends, you get the point. If interested, you can sign up here:


Recommended Kickstarter - LeTable One Touch Extendable Board Game Table

Would you like to transform your coffee table for any task with one touch? Change the configuration for the perfect board game in a few seconds. Or quickly organize a workplace with a topper system?

Stretch Goal #3 has been Unlocked!
11 months ago – Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 11:47:51 PM

Stretch Goal #3 has been unlocked. Now, all tiers besides 5E PDF and 5E Digital All-In will include a digital print n'play card deck of all creatures (45+) in 12 Days of XXXMas! Each card will include the creature's illustration and its stats. Below is a sample mockup of the front and back of one of the cards. Attack, Languages, etc., will be bolded. Otherwise, this is pretty close to what the finished card will look like. 

I want to take the time to thank everyone for helping us to reach this goal!

AI Art Survey
11 months ago – Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 01:56:40 PM

Since updating the Kickstarter page with the potential new cover, there have been a few requests for similar art inside the campaign book. I have decided to take a poll to see how far this interest extends, but before that, I want to give you guys a production update and a better idea of what the art in the book, as it currently stands, will look like and what our original plans were. However, until the book goes to formatting, there are a lot of things that are still open for suggestion and change.

All of the adventures for the main campaign book have been written, and the second of twelve is currently getting its first round of edits. 

All instructional NSFW art for Special Scenarios and Hero Deaths has been completed by our artist, We Ren. It will look like this.

Illustration in the book will not be censored.

Most of the monster art in the book has been completed by Map Studio. We anticipate the remainder of the artwork to be completed by December. It will look like this.

Our NPC artwork is also mostly completed and will likely be finished before the Kickstarter ends. We have gone anime-style this time around and have a single artist working on all of our humanoid NPCs.

Art by Synced.

These are the art pieces and styles that absolutely will not be changed. Because they are artist-created, they take a lot of time to produce.  

We also plan to have about 60 pieces of AI-generated art inside the campaign book. Our original plan was to use an illustrated art style and only depict scenes from the adventures. Below is an example of one of those scenes. This image was created in Midjourney and heavily edited in Photoshop. It was originally planned that all of the AI artwork would have a similar feel. We did not plan to have any additional NSFW art beyond our instructional position artwork done by We Ren. 

However, interest has been expressed for NSFW art like that now depicted on the Kickstarter page. To save you from having to go look at it, we're talking about stuff like this.

Yes, there is a non-censored version that shows everything.

and this...

Don't worry. If we do use AI NSFW art, we will showcase a variety of races, body types, and gender pairings. 

So now, we are conducting a poll to determine how we will be using AI art inside the campaign book. It is a one-question poll, so it should take less than a minute to complete.

Please note that when the Kickstarter ends, we will conduct a similar poll to determine which version of the cover will be produced. Majority vote will rule on that one.

I want to take the time to thank everyone for your input.