
12 Days of XXXMas: A Christmas Role-Playing Game for Couples

Created by Phoenix Grey

12 Xmas-themed adventures, requiring intimate actions to move the story along. 5e compatible version available. For the PDFs or paperback editions of any of our already published non-5e content, please order off DriveThruRPG here:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Big Manufacturing Problem
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 11:13:56 AM

Hey everyone. First and foremost, this update only affects those receiving the physical version of the game. If you are receiving the digital version, nothing changes.

As you know, the game is being manufactured by Magicraft, which is based in China. Today, they emailed me to let me know that it is illegal to manufacture any products in China that contain adult illustrations. If they get caught, they will be shut down. This obviously presents a huge problem, as there are many instructional illustrations in "12 Days of XXXMas" that show how certain sexual positions should be performed.

The obvious solution was to cancel the contract and have the game manufactured in the United States instead. Unfortunately, however, the one — yes, and I mean only one — reputable (not some unknown company that no one has experience with) US-based game manufacturer has a minimum order of 2,000 units. Only a little over 500 units of "12 Days of XXXMas" were sold. That, coupled with the fact that manufacturing in the US costs about four times more than in China, makes it financially unfeasible to produce the game with that company.

So, the solution that I've come up with is that the adult illustrations will be stripped from the main "12 Days of XXXMas" campaign book. To compensate for this, I am going to create a softcover compendium on DriveThruRPG that will include all the intimate positions from the "12 Days of XXXMas" campaign book, and that will be shipped with all orders of the box set and physical hardcopies. We will not be including the weight of this item when we charge for shipping closer to delivery time, which means you will not be paying shipping for the addition of this item. This was the best solution I could come up with to make sure that you get the content you were promised while we also keep manufacturing costs within budget.

I am so sorry I was not aware of China's laws on adult content before I launched this Kickstarter. I hope you guys can understand and are satisfied with this solution. 

Monthly Production Update
7 months ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 08:51:48 AM

Hey everyone! The digital version of the 5e campaign book was completed yesterday, so now all digital assets are complete. 

Due to the Chinese New Year closing down the Magicraft office for two weeks and a host of issues getting the digital assets put together and approved, we are still not in manufacturing. I won't lie, getting the files correctly formatted has been a bit of a nightmare. Everything I've submitted has undergone multiple rounds of edits, and there are things that had to be sent back to my designers to fit specifications. These are all growing pains of learning the manufacturing process. With that said, I'm hoping to have everything approved within the next two weeks. At the very latest, I anticipate manufacturing will start by the end of the month.

The ambitious part of me wants to say we can probably start shipping as early as July. But the part of me that wants to prepare for more setbacks is still saying August. I will probably know more once manufacturing actually begins. Stay tuned for next month's update.

Monthly Update: Manufacturing Contract Signed!
8 months ago – Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 10:31:58 AM

Hey everyone, just coming at you with the monthly update. A few days ago, we signed a manufacturing contract with Magicraft Board Game Manufacturer, known for producing games such as "King of Tokyo" and "Tokaido." Next week, I'll send them all the digital assets for the game. With any luck, everything will be proofed and ready for actual manufacturing by the end of the month. The manufacturing process will take between 45 to 60 days. Afterward, we will arrange shipping to our warehouse in Chicago. There, everything will be measured and weighed so we can calculate shipping costs and start dispatching the game to you. With all that said, we are currently estimating that we can begin shipping as early as late June. All digital rewards will be delivered when we start shipping.

That's all for now, folks. Expect the updates over the next few months to be brief, as things will mostly be out of our hands. I hope you all have a fantastic February, filled with romance, sexy times, and all good things!

Early Access and 12 Days of XXXMas Art Files have been delivered!
8 months ago – Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 11:40:38 AM

The Early Access Files for 12 Days of XXXMas have been sent to everyone who pledged to the Box Set All-In tier. Only those who pledged to the Box Set All-In tier will receive these files. If you are not sure if you pledged to that tier, check your Kickstarter or Backerkit account. This zipped file contains the retail-ready PDF version of everything you need to play 12 Days of XXXMas: the book, character sheet, print & play cards, maps & handouts, and even some printable monster sheets. If you are a member of our Discord, you should have already been given the Early Access role. If you have not joined our Discord yet, you can do so here:

Everyone else should have received a zip file called 12 Days of XXXMas Art, which contains all of the AI-generated artwork (much of which is NSFW) that we created while planning for this campaign. Ultimately, we decided not to use this artwork in the book, as there was already a significant amount of artwork we planned to include, and frankly, inserting it randomly would have looked tacky. However, we still wanted to share it with you so that you could enjoy it. Feel free to use the artwork however you'd like, as we do not plan to incorporate it into any future campaigns or products.

Everything is still on track for manufacturing, and we look forward to giving you your monthly update next week.

If you have any questions about your order, please message us via Kickstarter.

We will be locking orders in one week
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 08:32:40 AM

Formatting for 12 Days of XXXMas is almost complete. In about a week, we will begin scouting manufacturers for the box set. In order to get an accurate count, we will be locking orders on 01/23. That means you have one week left to swap, add, or remove items from your pledge in Backerkit. To do this, log into your Backerkit account and navigate to 12 Days of XXXMas, then make any changes needed. Please note that if you add items to your order, you won't be charged for these until we charge for shipping, which won't happen until a few weeks before we actually begin shipping.

As it stands right now, 12 Days of XXXMas will be over 200 pages long. The tarot deck will have a total of 84 cards: 47 monster cards, 28 spell cards, and 9 recipe cards.

I'm providing this information to help you make a better decision as to whether you want to upgrade to certain items or not.

Soon after we lock orders, we will also be giving the Early Access Discord role and sending out the retail-ready early access file for 12 Days of XXXMas to those who pledged to the Box Set All-In Tier. We will post another Kickstarter update once this is done so you'll know if you should have received it. To be upgraded to the Early Access role on Discord, you must have pledged to the Box Set All-In Tier and be a part of our Discord. You can join here:

I hope everyone is having a great week!