
12 Days of XXXMas: A Christmas Role-Playing Game for Couples

Created by Phoenix Grey

12 Xmas-themed adventures, requiring intimate actions to move the story along. 5e compatible version available. For the PDFs or paperback editions of any of our already published non-5e content, please order off DriveThruRPG here:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy New Year!
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 01, 2024 at 05:43:24 PM

First and foremost, Happy New Year, everyone!

It is time for our monthly production update. All the adventures in 12 Days of XXXMas have been edited, and the campaign book is now being formatted, which should take a few weeks. Once that's finished, we will begin looking for a manufacturer for the project. We are still on track for an estimated delivery date of August 2024.

While you wait, here is the new cover art for the book.

All STL Files Have Been Delivered
9 months ago – Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 10:53:47 PM

In our Discord, a few of you expressed you'd love to get the STL files early to print the miniatures out to give to your friends as Christmas gifts, so we made it happen. You can now find the STL Files in the digital downloads section of Backerkit. Correction: You can now find the STL files for the Ice Creatures and the bonus Yellow Snow STL file in the digital downloads section of Backerkit. For some reason, the Popular Monsters set wouldn't upload (maybe because it had a few extra files), so for that, I made a Google Drive link.

If you need your Backerkit survey re-sent to you, go here and fill out the form:

If you have trouble downloading the files through Backerkit, send them a message. If you have trouble retrieving the files from Google Drive, post in the comments. 

The Yellow Snow STL file is a raw file, so you should be able to download and use it as-is. The Popular Monsters and Ice Monsters STL files are in zipped folders. You will have to unzip them to get to the STL files inside.

Please note that we will not be delivering the 12 Days of XXXMas PDF files (regular or 5e) until we make our final delivery, which we're still currently estimating will be in August 2024.

I hope you guys and gals are all having a fabulous weekend!

The ice salamander from the Ice Monsters STL File Set.

DriveThruRPG Log In Issue
9 months ago – Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 11:34:23 AM

I just wanted to post a quick update letting you guys know that since DriveThruRPG updated their site a few days ago, I have not been able to log in to my account, which means I have not been able to resolve any issues related to people not receiving their already published content. This issue has been going on since Friday, and DriveThruRPG customer support just got back to me to resolve it, so I am currently in the process of catching up on support requests. If you submitted a support request over the weekend, it should be resolved shortly. Thank you for your patience.

Already Published Content Has Been Delivered
10 months ago – Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 10:14:16 AM

Hi guys and gals. We just delivered our previously published content. For the 5e stuff, you should have received an email from Backerkit. All previously published 5e content can be found in the Digital Downloads section of your Backerkit account. If you have not received your Backerkit survey yet, you can have it re-sent to you by filling out the form here:

If you still do not receive the survey, contact Backerkit with the email address you use for Kickstarter, and they should be able to resolve it.

Please note that if you use an appleid email address with Kickstarter, Backerkit will not send you emails. You will have to contact Backerkit directly to have them update your email address and resend your Backerkit survey. 

For everyone receiving our non-5e previously published content, you should have received several emails from DriveThruRPG, one for each campaign book. If you do not already have an account set up with DriveThruRPG, there is a chance you will not get the emails from them. In that case, create an account over there and then message me on Kickstarter, and I will re-send the emails to you. If you otherwise did not receive the emails, message me on Kickstarter, and I will re-send them. 

Everyone who pledged received the Core Rulebook in the Digital Downloads section of Backerkit. The 12 Days of XXXMas PDF will not be delivered until our final delivery, which we are currently estimating (very rough estimate) will be in August of 2024.

I did not get all the STL files back from my sculptor yet, so they have not been uploaded to the Digital Downloads section of Backerkit. As soon as I am able to upload them, I will post another update. 

I hope you guys are having a fabulous day!

Backerkit Surveys Have Been Sent
10 months ago – Mon, Dec 04, 2023 at 12:03:40 PM

Hey guys and gals! We've just sent out Backerkit surveys. Please note that we are not collecting shipping right now. That will be done closer to fulfillment, and we will post another update when it's time. If you did not get your survey, please message me on Kickstarter with your Backerkit email address, and I will check and see what happened. That's all for now. I hope you have a fabulous week!