
12 Days of XXXMas: A Christmas Role-Playing Game for Couples

Created by Phoenix Grey

12 Xmas-themed adventures, requiring intimate actions to move the story along. 5e compatible version available. For the PDFs or paperback editions of any of our already published non-5e content, please order off DriveThruRPG here:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update #1
10 months ago – Fri, Dec 01, 2023 at 05:49:47 AM

Hey guys. Just giving you your monthly update.

*All monster artwork is done.

*The updated cover (on the Kickstarter page) won the vote to become the main cover of the book. We already have Bad Moon Art Studio working on re-designing it, and it should be finished by January 1st. We let backers decide what the couple on the cover should look like. TAOZen won the random vote, so the couple will remain mostly the same, just with more intimate clothing. I will be interested to see what Bad Moon Art Studio comes up with, as they typically throw a bit of their own spin on things. And yes, I'm putting dildos in the Christmas tree.

*All of the STL files have been sculpted except one. I know there has been expressed interest in receiving those early so that you can print them out and give them as gifts to friends. If I get the last one in before December 7th, I will upload them to the digital downloads section of Backerkit so you can have them early.

*Half of the adventures have been edited, and their plain text versions are up on our Patreon. We currently estimate that early access Kickstarter backers (Box Set All-In) will be receiving the publication-ready PDF version of 12 Days of XXXMas in January. 

*Backerkit surveys will be going out on December 4th. We will be posting a Kickstarter update that day after we send them out so you'll know if you should have received yours. Shipping will not be charged until a later date.

*Our already published content will be delivered on December 7th. All 5e content will be delivered via the digital downloads section in Backerkit. All non-5e content will be delivered via DriveThruRPG. If you do not have a DriveThruRPG account, please create one before then. We had issues last time with people who didn't have an account not getting the email. We will be posting a Kickstarter update that day after we send everything out, so you'll know if you should have received yours.

We are still on track to go into manufacturing in January.

That's all for now. As mentioned above, there will be two more Kickstarter updates this month. And we will post again in January to let you know where we're at in the production process. 


Recommended Kickstarter - Bards vs. Humility

Bards vs. Humility is a fast-paced adult card game for 4-6 players from Giants of the North. We started with the raunchy humour of Cards Against Humanity, added the fantasy flair of Dungeons & Dragons, then refined the mix into a new fast-paced party game!

The goal is to get the most points while exploring an ever-changing dungeon, making cringe-inducing jokes to deal damage to monsters. The game shifts from early cooperation to cut-throat chaos as it goes on, with each player fending off monsters, traps and each other!

Pledge now!

Backerkit Surveys Are Coming...
10 months ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 09:50:30 AM

Just wanted to let you guys know that we will be sending out Backerkit surveys on Monday, December 4th. The surveys will not include shipping, as we don't plan to charge for that until closer to our delivery date. 

We will be sending out a smoke test shortly. That means a very small percentage of you will receive your Backerkit survey today. This is done to make sure the surveys are working as they should.

There's really not much else to report with this update. We will be posting a production update on or around the 1st of December to let you know where we're at in the process.

To those of you in the US, I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. To everyone else, I hope you're looking forward to the holiday season!

Kickstarter Bonuses!
10 months ago – Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 09:05:58 AM

We admittedly did not get through many Stretch Goals for this particular campaign. With that said, there are a few things I want the game to have that I’ve decided to include anyway as bonuses.

Bonus #1 – Print N’ Play Spell Cards

The first of these is the last stretch goal that didn’t get unlocked: the print n’ play spell cards for the non-5e version of the game. All non-5e tiers will still be receiving these.

Design subject to change. Final card will not be censored.

Bonus #2 – Christmas-Themed Character Sheets

We have decided, for this campaign book, to upgrade from our regular character sheets to Christmas-themed character sheets. I have no idea what these will look like yet as I have not placed the design order for them, but they will be included with both the print and digital versions of 12 Days of XXXMas. If you still want our regular character sheets, you can download them from our website here:

Bonus #3 – Yellow Snow STL File

I had this STL designed before I knew what monsters I would be offering in the first few sets of STL files. While the set this monster was supposed to be included in never got unlocked, it doesn’t make sense to have had it sculpted just to hoard the file back, so I will be including it as a bonus with all pledge levels for free. Here is what the printed miniature looks like.

I hope you guys are excited about these additions to the game!

Vote on the Cover for 12 Days of XXXMas
10 months ago – Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 09:20:30 AM

It is time! We are taking a vote on which cover will be used for the PDF and Hardback versions of 12 Days of XXXMas. The box set cover will not be changing. Your choices are the original cover, as depicted below.

Original Cover

Or the new cover we cobbled up during the Kickstarter. Please note, if the new cover is chosen, it will be completely redesigned by Bad Moon Art Studio, the same company that illustrated the original cover, and there will be changes. You can't see it very well, but there are dildos in the tree in the cover above. I will have those put in the Christmas tree on the new cover. The races and ethnicities of the couple on the cover will also likely be changed. In fact, if you vote on the new cover, post a description of what you'd like the couple to look like in the comments below, and when the vote is over, we will use a random generator to select one of the responses and have the couple designed to match it. You will be informed if your description is chosen. The couple will also be very scantily clad because...well, it's Lewd Dungeon Adventures.  

New Cover

You can cast your vote here. It's just one question, so it will only take a second. The vote closes at midnight on 11/23, and the majority vote will be what we go with.

Thank you to everyone who participates.

Here's What Happens Now
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 09:35:46 AM

First and foremost, I want to thank everyone for another successful Kickstarter. We could not have done it without you! Now, you’re probably wondering what to expect.

There will be a few updates in the coming days, one to open voting on the cover of the actual book and another that I’m really excited to share with you guys.

Other than that, there’s nothing left for you to do but sit back while we continue to produce the game.

For those who pledged to the Digital All-In or 5E Digital All-In Tiers, you will be receiving our already published digital content on or before December 7th of this year (next month). Digital All-In content will be delivered via DriveThruRPG. If you don’t already have an account there, make one now. We’ve had lots of issues in the past of people who don’t already have an account not getting the email with the books when we send them out. 5e Digital All-In content will be delivered via the Backerkit digital downloads section since we do not publish that content on DriveThruRPG. We will post a Kickstarter update once we send out our already published content so you’ll know whether or not you should have received it.

For those of you new to backing a Lewd Dungeon Adventures Kickstarter, going forward, you can expect monthly Kickstarter updates to keep you up to speed on where we’re at in production. Our estimated delivery for this Kickstarter is November of 2024. Honestly, we will probably be delivering much sooner. Our most ambitious estimate is delivery in August.

Production Update

All adventures in 12 Days of XXXMas have been written. 3 of the 12 adventures have been edited. The rest are currently in editing. We estimate that editing of all adventures will be complete by the end of this month or early next month.

All NSFW art, humanoid NPC art, and maps have been completed by our artists. The last of the monster artwork will be completed by the end of next week.

All STL sculpting should be completed by the end of the month.

Estimated Production Timeline

Editing should be completed by either the end of this month or early next month.

Formatting of the book should be completed by the end of December.

We did not sell enough copies to get a print run with Panda Manufacturing. Their minimum for print is 1,500 copies. With that said, we will likely take a week to explore other manufacturing options. We are unsure if a smaller print run means a shorter manufacturing time and, thus, the possibility of even earlier delivery, but we will post an update when we know something.

Current delivery estimate is August 2024. This is subject to change, and this early in the game is a very loose estimate. We likely won’t have an accurate estimate until after the first of the year.

Thank you again for your support. You guys are the absolute best!