
12 Days of XXXMas: A Christmas Role-Playing Game for Couples

Created by Phoenix Grey

12 Xmas-themed adventures, requiring intimate actions to move the story along. 5e compatible version available. For the PDFs or paperback editions of any of our already published non-5e content, please order off DriveThruRPG here:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Manufacturing is Underway
4 months ago – Sun, Jun 02, 2024 at 07:24:17 AM

Hey everyone! It’s time for your monthly update, and this is a big one. Manufacturing of the box set is underway and should be completed around the middle of this month. Once manufacturing is complete and the game is on its way to our warehouse, I will post another Update giving everyone receiving physical items a week to update your mailing address in Backerkit before we lock addresses and prepare for shipping. We are now anticipating shipping in July. Below is a picture of a box full of the Christmas-themed dice we produced for this Kickstarter.


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Production Update
5 months ago – Wed, May 01, 2024 at 01:32:23 PM

Hey everyone. It's time for the monthly update. The miniatures for this Kickstarter are currently being manufactured by Limelight Miniatures. Magicraft is currently working on the prototype for the hardback book and the box set. I am expecting them to be done with it any time now. Once the prototype is finished and approved, we will move on to manufacturing.

I have also had a hardback copy produced for DriveThruRPG. The first prototype did not come out well. The cover was absolutely gorgeous, but there was something wrong with the stat blocks and image backgrounds. Luckily, I have plenty of time to work on that, and I expect the issue to be resolved and to have a clean print by the end of this month.

Due to the length of time it's taking to build the prototype of the box set, I'm thinking that shipping will likely get pushed back to August, which is still three months before our estimated delivery date on the Kickstarter page. As always, I will keep you updated as things progress.


Recommended Kickstarter - RPG Stories VTT Expansion: The Wrath of Devs

RPG Stories is a 3D World-Builder / VTT, already released on Steam, and you can build amazing 3D scenes or upload 2D maps & play online D&D, Alien, Walking Dead, BladeRunner, HeroQuest, Call of Cthulhu & many more!

The first KS Expansion of RPG Stories, “The Wrath of Devs”, will improve the overall experience of our VTT by introducing:

-Character Sheets for popular TT RPGs
-Procedural Generated Scenes
-New themed models
-Advanced GM Controls and many more!

April Update
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 06:24:03 AM

Happy April, everyone! Not much new to report this month. The manufacturer is currently working on making a physical prototype of the game. Once that’s completed and approved, we will move into the mass production stage. With that said, we are currently still on schedule to ship in either late July or early August.

All digital orders have been delivered. If you haven’t received yours, message me here on Kickstarter, and I’ll look into it.

We Just Delivered the Digital Files for 12 Days of XXXMas + Bonus Files!
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 09:50:18 AM

Hey everyone! We’ve decided to deliver all digital files for 12 Days of XXXMas early. Plus, we’ve included two bonus files. The first is four sheets of NSFW cutouts. This is the same file we're going to use to print the stickers for the physical book. The second is three sheets of monster illustrations you can print and cut out to use with the game. We've included these because we figured we made the files anyway, so why not share them with you? We hope you enjoy these additions to the game.

If you pledged to the 5E PDF tier on Kickstarter, you will receive a link to Google Drive in your BackerKit Digital Downloads section called 5e12DaysofXXXMas. The link will take you to where you can download a zip file containing all the 5e content. Once you unzip this file, you will find the following:

 ·         12 Days of XXXMas 5e PDF

·         A Maps and Handouts folder that includes all plain printable maps and handouts

·         Print N’ Play Recipe Cards PDF

·         NSFW Cutouts.jpg

·         3 Monster Sheets

If you pledged to any tier receiving the digital version of 12 Days of XXXMas, you will receive a DriveThruRPG link to download the game through their website. This download will include the following files:

·         12 Days of XXXMas PDF

·         A Christmas-themed fillable character sheet

·         A zip file that includes all plain printable maps and handouts

·         Print N’ Play Recipe Cards PDF

·         Print N’ Play Spell Cards PDF

·         Print N’ Play Monster Card PDF

·         NSFW Cutouts.jpg

·         3 Monster Sheets

If you don't already have an account at DriveThruRPG, the email might not go through. If you do not receive it, create an account on DriveThruRPG and then message me via the Kickstarter messaging system, and I will resend the email to you. If your BackerKit email address does not match your DriveThruRPG email address, but you still received an email from DriveThruRPG, you can use their support system to merge the two accounts, which will transfer your files to your DriveThruRPG account.

We are still on track for either a late July or early August delivery for all physical tiers and items. Stay tuned for next month's production update.

We hope you enjoy the early delivery of the digital files for this project. Thanks again for your continued support.

*Note: I will be out of the office for the remainder of the day and will not be able to respond to any comments or customer support requests until tonight.

Manufacturing Options Poll
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 07:15:13 PM

Hey everyone. As you might imagine, figuring out the best way to handle the issue with Magicraft not being able to manufacture "12 Days of XXXMas" with the NSFW illustrations has been really stressful. My initial solution to this was to strip the illustrations from the main book and create a softcover compendium on DriveThruRPG to ship along with all hardback copies (including the box sets). However, many of you have expressed that you'd prefer everything in one book, and Magicraft just got back to me with their own solution that I thought was unique but might be preferable, so I'm going to let you guys vote on it, and whatever the majority decides will win.

Their solution was to remove the illustrations from the book but leave spaces for them. A sticker sheet with all the NSFW positions would be printed separately (by a US manufacturer) and shipped with the game. Basically, the stickers would be numbered or identified in some way, and you would match them to their place in the book and stick the positions where they belong. This would keep everything in one book.

In addition, no matter which version you guys decide on, I will be sending everyone receiving a physical copy of the game an at-cost code to get the book through DriveThruRPG. This code will be valid for one year, and you can purchase as many copies as you'd like.

You can vote on your preference here:

Voting will close on Saturday.